Gary and Lindsay go to THE BIG GAME
This is for Dad...Merry Christmas!
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Her Wall
So she hit her wall
And she forgot how to write
And lost all her balls.
Silenced, angered, disgusted,
And completely annoyed with everyone (HERSELF).
Paycheck to paycheck,
Night by long night,
She lost her steam.
She lost her will.
She lost the sparkling gleam that could light her whole face.
Bright headlight eyes that once shined forward.
She was bored.
She was tired.
With no place to be wild or insane,
Too cold to take a walk.
No canvas, no paint,
Nothing of which to speak.
Now she didn't completely shut up.
Still she was constantly
Babbling and blundering.
Forcing all of her hot air
Out of her mouth, through wet chapped lips
To heat the cold space
And fog the winter-iced windows.
The wall stood over her,
It was bigger than she remembered.
Her head ached.
She knew what it was like to spin her wheels,
Tank low, bank empty,
Pretending to care,
Faking accomplishments,
Bullshitting through school and work and life.
She looked up the wall.
A sharp pain gripped around her heart.
Right hand shifting,
Right foot stretching,
Frazzled hairs on end,
Breath on hold,
Ice-cold wheel in her left hand.
She slammed her toes to the floor
And in an explosion of glass and brick
And plaster and anxiety and fear,
She found herself on the other side of her wall.